Harsh Words

It crawls across your skin and seeps inside the jagged cuts across your body,
Seeping through and drifting round your body with every lub-dub beat,
Coatong red and white with sticky black and sludge grey until you cannot bear to breathe for fear of moving hate around your being.

You despise yourself and you are worthless to everyone but no-one,
There is lonliness in your lungs and emptiness in your heart as the darkness moves ever faster and hurts ever more,
Wraps itself around your throat and strangles you with it's tight grip,
So you cannot speak the truth that the dark lies cause.

Nothing can help and no-one will know as you suffocate inside your own mind,
As you drown under the waves of your own sorrow
Looking up towards the sky and praying for redemtion that will never arrive,
And it doesn't.

You are all alone, left with those evil stares and harsh words that snake across your skin like spiderwebs,
It doesn't hurt any less,
It doesn't hurt any more.

For everything is numb, when you have nothing or no-one.

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