A Mother's Love

And she has returned.

Only now she's home. Only now she sit's alone upstairs reading and getting lost in her own little world that she loves so much.
She's so young and her imaginary games become real, become fun and happy and better than the real world.
And it's time to grow up, to stop with the little girl's games and the barbie dolls. They're packed away into boxes under her bed where the monster lives and in the closer where the monster lives.
Mummy moans and whine's when she makes a mess with all her dollies and toys when she's too old to play with them. Time to grow up. Time to go out and have fun.
So she does. She plays next door with two girl's a lot younger and they have lot's of doll's and toy's and imaginery games to play. And she has fun.
Stays 'till the little one's bedtime's and then rushes home to carry on herself. To continue in this other world where she lives alone.
Mummy drives her home in the car after school and she's silent. Doesn't want to speak, her head is racing with her imaginery man and he's running alongside the car and she's smiling and her Mummy ruins everything by asking why she's smiling.
So she stops.
Waits until she's in her room to play with her dream friend when Mummy's turned to Mother and Mum and she goes out with her friends whilst she stays at home with her only one.
Hatred towards everyone else turns to hatred towards Mum who becomes Monster.
Who shouts and raves and rages and hurts with words sharper than the blade she uses to show everyone she doesn't need it.
Doesn't need you to punish her anymore because she already does it enough herself.
And Monster's mad that she doesn't want to take her bath after playing with the little one's next door. So she does it herself, pushes her under and scrubs whilst she can't breathe. Monster scrubs and scrubs and pushes harder till her head smacks the tub and she still can't breathe.
Then monster is gone and she's wrapped up in her big disney beach towel with the bathroom door locked and her not there friend talking to her, helping her, loving her.
Monster stays Monster as little girl becomes young woman. Love friend stays the same as always and she stops talking to the little one's next door. She's too old for them now. Too old to play silly little games with even sillier little girls but she still wants too.
Monster get's angrier and angrier until Daddy Dinosaur joins in.
Freak. Weirdo. Get a life. Go outside. Not normal. Not normal. Not normal. We're gunna have to send you to someone. Not normal.
And she takes it still 'cause she has her oldest friend. Even though he watches her hurt herself he stays beside and always loves.
And she loves him and hates them.
Brother Basilisk snips and bites and hurts and she still has him and says nothing.
Time goes by and family loves/hates more and more. Harsher and harsher until she turns to him, turns to her never changing friend and stays with him. Doesn't care if she's weird or crazy or they say things she stays with him.
They'll be gone soon.
She'll be gone soon.
Just two more years 'till she's home free.

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